0 charges
You have no storage data in memory. Go to to retrieve your data.
No inventory data found in memory.
No vehicle storage data found in memory.
Self Storage
No self storage data found in memory.
Faction tax:
Total profit:
Truck Settings
You can configure the capacity for your inventory, the trunk of your vehicle and your trailer. Your settings are saved in your browser. The planner will display the amount of trips and how to distribute them in the order: trailer + trunk + inventory.



Farmers Milk:
Total Capacity:

Cargo Distribution:
Server data
Add your private API key and user id to enable features that require your data. Your key and loaded data are only saved in your browser. Loading wealth data requires that you are online in game. You can set an auto refresh timer, which works only when you are online in game and in a trucking job.
API Key:
0 charges
Player id:
Faction id: Unknown
Faction tax: %

Auto Refresh Timers
Vehicle Storage:
Self Storage:
Charge usage: 0 charges ($ 0) per hour while trucking
Alternative Recipes
Many items can be produces in multiple ways, for example through secret recipes. Select the recipes that you want to be prioritized. Your selection is stored. If you bookmark this page with alt recipes, or open a link that contains alt recipes, this will overwrite your existing setup.

This calculator was created by Bouncer for the FiveM Transport Tycoon server. It is based on a calculator for Satisfactory by Kirk McDonald.

The map was created by Nova+ using Leaflet, a JS library for interactive maps, (c) 2010-2019 Vladimir Agafonkin, (c) 2010-2011 CloudMade. Leaflet.ContinuousZoom.js - Written by Ilya Zverev, licensed WTFPL.

Most emojis are designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0.

Data provided by glitchdetector

The source code can be found at https://github.com/bouncer/trucking-calculator. This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.

Please report any issues to Bouncer on Discord.